Hi, I’m bodhini.
For over twenty years whilst working in the wellness industry, predominantly as a Holistic Therapist/ Trainer and Spa and Studio owner, I practiced, studied and taught many complimentary therapies including reiki and massage.
However, my absolute joy has always been to dive deep into the great mysteries of the universe, the complexities of being human and the beauty of the natural world.
So in 2019, I decided to make doing THAT my job instead and anyone who wants to come along for the ride is most welcome.
Teachers who I have studied with and continue to be inspired by and learn from include:
Dr Christopher Hareesh Wallis
Rev.Padma Devi Sumanada
Nubia Teixeira
Sally Kempton
Vidhi Sadana
Uma Dinsmore Tuli
The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
Some of my training…..
Heart of Living Yoga Meditation Facilitator 100 hours
Heart of Living Yoga Hatha Teacher 200 hours
Heart of Living Yoga Ministry & Philosophy 200 hours
Celebrating life. Family Celebrancy training with The Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids
Bhakti and Hatha Yoga 300 Hours with Bhakti Nova School
Yoga Nidra with Uma Dinsmore Tuli
Art of Teaching Meditation with Sally Kempton
Pranayama, Bandas & Mudras with Vidhi Sadana
Mental Health First Aid with MHFA England
Introduction to Counselling with The Counselling Foundation
Reiki Practitioner & Teacher Training with Reiki Evolution