Have you ever wondered what it’s like to live as a monk?
To wake up before dawn, live by strict spiritual discipline, and dedicate every moment to devotion? I took the leap and spent seven days inside the world of the Hare Krishnas by participating in their “ be a monk challenge”—here’s what I learned.
Reclaiming our relationship with Darkness
For much of human history, darkness has been misunderstood. It’s often seen as something to avoid, fear, or conquer. In a world flooded with artificial light and constant stimulation, we’ve grown distant from darkness—both the literal kind that comes with nightfall and the metaphorical kind that accompanies introspection, uncertainty, and change.
But what if darkness, like light, has its own gifts to offer? What if instead of running from it, we learned to embrace it?
The Power of Silence: Reclaiming What We’ve Lost
In a world that rarely pauses, silence has become a rare and precious gift. Yet, our relationship with silence is complicated. For some, it represents peace and clarity; for others, it stirs discomfort or even fear. What if we could reclaim the power of silence—not as something to avoid or endure, but as a source of strength and nourishment?
Why is Ancestral Healing & Reverence important?
Ancestral healing and reverence are essential because they anchor us in the continual cycles of life, connecting us to a flow of energy that transcends space and time.
By honoring our ancestors, we recognise that we are part of a lineage that stretches far back into the past and forward into the future.
This awareness grounds and nourishes us, reminding us that we are never truly alone in our struggles or triumphs.
Is it really a lack of self worth or are you just kind?
This blog was inspired by my own conscious business journey and my desire to support others on theirs. It is a new road for many of us to navigate and there is not many maps available yet. So it is wonderful to be surrounded by other like - minded business owners. Much love to the lovely peeps in the photo - these are some of our conscious business community members and they inspire and encourage me every day.
3 days & 3 nights in the dark
On the morning of my 43rd birthday on Monday 8th April 2024, I walked into a purpose built dark retreat room, blew out the small candle that would be my last glimpse of light for the three days and nights to follow.
The spiritual path is a mysterious path and is unique to each of us. There is no right or wrong way to experience it, there is just YOUR way. We are not here to all do, feel, know, see and hear the same.
This Might be an unpopular opinion but hear me out…
Manifestation is a Myth.
Why I believe Manifestation is not all it is cracked up to be.
Reiki and unrealistic expectations
Anybody ever have decades of pain & trauma fully healed in their first reiki session?
Can our thoughts ever be really true?
How much energy and power do we give to something that may be fiction rather than fact?