Can our thoughts ever be really true?

Can our thoughts ever be really true?

Do you ever consider that?

How much energy and power do we give to something that may be fiction rather than fact?

We were discussing this yesterday evening at our Pathway to Peace workshop and I just love to ponder this....

How thoughts at best can be tools but can also be just noise and at worst they can be weapons.

Thoughts are not truth and they are neither important or unimportant.

They are just there sometimes streaming through the mind flowing out as quickly as they arrived and other times they get stuck on repeat like a broken record.

Some thoughts we enjoy and they make us feel good and others can make us feel all kinds of yuck!

Either way, if you constantly believe your thoughts, you are being dragged around by your mind from one thought induced feeling to another.

Which isn't conducive to feeling peaceful.

So last night we made some time for self-inquiry, contemplation and discussion as to what is really true?

Can our thoughts ever really be true?

People may have the same experience but have different thoughts or narratives about it.

They all feel true to each individual but not true for all involved.

Some truths may be relative and temporary but be part of a larger picture or truth.

Today, see if there can be an awareness of your thoughts at times and ask is this thought actually true?

Is a thought or belief pulling you out of your peace that may not even be true?

Maybe that thought or belief belongs to someone else and was given to you?

How do you feel when you consider all of this? I would love to hear your thoughts about thoughts not necessarily being true.....


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