Firstly, your path is your own. You may experience some of these stages but not necessarily all. Some of these phases might seem long lasting (maybe even tedious!) and others over in a blink of an eye. All of these stages can be repeated numerous times over the course of our lives but might pack a different kind of punch or wave of pleasure each time they arrive.

The Spiritual Path is a mysterious path and unique to each of us. There is no wrong or right way to experience it, just YOUR way. I highly recommend not comparing your journey to that of others, after all comparison is the thief of joy and remember…. it is not a race. Do not try to rush the process. Trust that the innate intelligence of the Universe and your essence nature knows exactly where you need to be and what you need to be doing at any given time.

So these are just loose guidelines that hopefully will help you make some kind of sense of the journey thus far and prepare you for what might come in the future.

STARTING OUT - You have felt drawn to exploring spirituality, maybe a particular modality, tradition or technique because you want some kind of change in your life. Maybe within yourself and / or your life in general. This can feel daunting. It is taking a step into the unknown. There is no telling what the outcome might be. Feeling nervous and apprehensive is natural along with some excitement and curiosity too.

You may come across teachings and perspectives that contradict beliefs that you have had all of your life. Ideas that don’t sit with societal norms and conventions and it can bring about inner conflict and discomfort. This is OK. You don’t have to take all that is presented to you as gospel. You can ask questions, you can take time to contemplate and consider all of it. If a teacher or guide doesn’t like being questioned and claims to know the absolute truth - this could be considered a red flag and a prompt to find another teacher.

GOOD TIMES - You have found a practice that you have enjoyed committing to regularly and are feeling the benefits. You might be experiencing peace, contentment, deeper states of relaxation and clarity of mind. You may also find physical ailments subsiding, improved sleep and increased energy - yay!

STANDSTILL - All of a sudden you feel like you are making no progress. Possibly because you are comparing this stage to the Good Times above but now you have moved into a slower pace phase where actually change is happening on a deeper but a not so obvious level. So it can feel like nothing is happening but it is in the realm of the sub conscious.

THE CAULDRON - As practices work their magic, they begin to draw to our attention any old wounds or hurts from the past that have yet to be resolved and healed. This can be a time of turmoil, of feeling emotionally rung out and mentally spun out. It can be overwhelming, even frightening and this is when and why a trustworthy and experienced teacher or guide is important. This particular phase at times may require additional support. It is an important time of transformation.

EQUILIBRIUM - By staying dedicated to your path and practices (unless guided otherwise) during the cauldron phase, you will have an anchor of stability that can return you to peace and calm throughout the turmoil. Eventually, that time in the cauldron will pass and you will come to see the progress that you have made. You will have renewed confidence in your ability to weather any storms that come your way (and any future immersions in the cauldron!)

AWARENESS OF ESSENCE NATURE - This one is hard to put into words. If you experience it even for a few seconds you will understand why. This is a state of being, in which you begin to awaken to the oneness of all existence. What we truly are is not definable by the limitations of language. At some point, you may come to know, to feel that everything you thought you were is just a bunch on constructs created by your mind. You might know this theoretically by studying philosophy and ancient texts but that does not actually come close to having an embodied experience of it. Some may call this enlightenment. Many dream of it, few achieve it as a permanent state.

As I said at the beginning, you may spiral through all of these stages several times throughout your life, each time revealing something different. Sometimes painful but it can be awe-inspiring, humbling and beautiful too (or at least in hindsight).

You may also have some twists, turns and adventures that are not mentioned here.

But I hope in someway this has been helpful.

Wishing you a deep and fruitful journey

From my heart to yours



3 days & 3 nights in the dark


This Might be an unpopular opinion but hear me out…