Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable
Recently I’ve discovered that I’m starting to be OK with being uncomfortable….
With being challenged….
With being uncertain…
Maybe I read something that brings up feelings of horror or sadness…
Maybe someone says or does something that I feel at odds with…
Maybe I upset someone…
I pause….
I notice the physical sensations that I experience with the emotions and how I label them…
I breathe…
I observe the thoughts, the stories that I might be telling myself about the situation that aren’t necessarily true.
I open my heart to those involved and what I don’t know about them, their life and their situation.
I breathe again.
I see if I can soften.
I listen to my heart and notice how it may respond differently to my mind.
It’s so interesting…
I am learning so much about myself, my conditioning and beliefs that I may be holding too tightly onto…
The discomfort and apprehension have become my allies in un-doing all that I am not, so that I can live authentically and fully as that which I am.
I am love.
Thank you to my teachers, to all of life’s teachers.