Meditation: Motivation & Discipline

This post was inspired by a Facebook poll in which I asked followers to tell me the struggles they experience with their meditation practice.

The most popular response was the struggle to find motivation or having the discipline to practice. 

So, whenever we decide that we need to make room for something that will be of benefit to our lives (whether that is fitness, health or education), we usually have a good reason for wanting it.
What inspired you to try meditation in the first place?
For myself, it was because I was suffering with unbearable teenage anxiety.
What has it been for you? Improved ability to relax? a desire for more clarity? a release of stress?

Whilst you continue to feel tense, stressed or unable to think clearly, how does this impact your life?
Do you find that you become irritable? Maybe find it harder to communicate with people? Lower energy and a lack of enthusiasm? These things can all have a big impact on our health, relationships and work.
You deserve to enjoy all of these aspects of your life and enjoy them with the people around you.
People often say that they want to get fit, lose weight or stop smoking so that they have more time and energy to spend with their kids and to set a good example
This could also be applicable to meditation.

Re-connecting with our motivation to meditate daily can be key in keeping your practice going. Maybe even write down your motivation, your reason for wanting to meditate and keep it somewhere visible as a reminder.
Is it possible to ask a family member or friend to be your meditation support buddy? Maybe giving you gentle reminders and encouragement. Maybe even meditating together?

If discipline to sit for meditation regularly is an issue, are you putting to much pressure on yourself to sit for too long? Start with small sessions (can be just 5-10 minutes and then gradually extend the duration by a couple of minutes at a time. Meditating daily for ten minutes is better than sitting once a week for a whole hour.

Where in your day can you sit quietly for ten minutes? Choose the most appropriate time and put it in your diary or as a reminder on your phone.
According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, researchers at University College London found that on average it takes more than 2 months to build a new habit into your life.
So don’t be disheartened if it feels like a slog or you have off-days (science say’s its to be expected!). Take it one day at a time, embrace the process and be kind to yourself.

I hope this is helpful to you. Look out for the next post which will be looking at that busy mind. In the meantime, if you need to remind yourself why setting time to sit in meditation is so beneficial, here is a list of some of possible the benefits.

*Reduced stress *Greater focus *More clarity *Fresh perspective and insights gained *Enhanced connections with people and nature *Increased enjoyment * Lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels *Aid in pain management *More energy *Improved immunity

I would love to hear from you if this post has been helpful or if you have any questions or tips to share.

Wishing you all peace always
Bodhini x


meditation and the busy mind


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